Are you holding back?

Where do you stand now?  Starting your new life, starting your new business or perhaps experiencing rejection as you apply for new jobs after many years of ‘safe’ employment in policing? And of course, if you are leaving after thirty years,  there is the poisoned...

LinkedIn – why you should be connecting

Working and talking with members I am struck by the variation in the use and understanding of LinkedIn and so I thought it might be a good to address the benefits of being on LinkedIn, why you should commit to having a strong profile and using this superb tool. ...

Resilience Needed

I was asked to contribute an article on resilience and thought in passing how essential resilience now is to anyone setting off on a new career path. Although always in the back of my mind I am concerned that resilience can morph in to sheer bloody mindedness; not...

How flexible are you

And why would it matter? Our current global situation reflects that it is often hard to know how things will turn out. And no matter how much planning you have put in things do go off course and the longer you resist what is happening the harder things may be for you....

What’s my niche?

On the PiPS conference call today the broad subject was starting a business. As one of the topics was about deciding what that business might be I thought it might be a good subject for this week’s post? There might be many reasons you would consider starting a...