Time for a little self promotion?

The horror that someone might think that we are one of those awful arrogant sorts is often used as an excuse to not take a deep breath and talk about ourselves with confidence. But if we cannot tell people what we are good at how will they know? Not a problem perhaps,...

Secure a successful move

I thought it might be helpful to run through a few essential points as you consider your move away from policing. And if you have already left, these will be of use if you are not getting the progress you had hoped for. 1. First and foremost, if you are thinking of...

LinkedIn – why you should be connecting

Working and talking with members I am struck by the variation in the use and understanding of LinkedIn and so I thought it might be a good to address the benefits of being on LinkedIn, why you should commit to having a strong profile and using this superb tool. ...

My route into the private sector after policing

I left the metropolitan police in 2014 and had over 3 months paid leave. I chose the date I wanted to leave as I had completed 2 additional years and had reached as far as I would go. Prior to retiring, I had 2 job interviews but had been unsuccessful in both. The...

Feeling the pressure to move to a new job? 

Perhaps things really are becoming too uncomfortable to stay and you can feel your life ticking away. Maybe your current position is coming to an end? Perhaps this career is just not turning out as you hoped and you feel it is time to move on. But all too often...