Jan 23, 2019
You could be forgiven for thinking that one interview is much the same as another. You want the job on offer, you have submitted your strong, concise and compelling CV which has now secured an interview. Of course, now you might reflect it is a long time (if...
May 28, 2014
Below is a letter from a trusted contact of ours, Ray Murphy. He would have liked to attend the network lunch on the 3rd October but pressing business calls him away. However he has kindly sent this note that was intended for the lunch but I feel might be of use to a...
Mar 7, 2013
Interviews on the outside ….. hmmmm I sent a note out a couple of weeks ago to the members subscribed on the website (lots more to see over there!) I asked what burning questions they had and I was delighted to receive so many responses. I will try to...
Apr 13, 2012
Again this week I had a conversation about the how and why people are selected at interview and I thought it might be useful to touch on what that certain ‘something’ might be that, when it appears, puts you ahead of the competition. It is something that is often...