I was asked to contribute an article on resilience and thought in passing how essential resilience now is to anyone setting off on a new career path.

Although always in the back of my mind I am concerned that resilience can morph in to sheer bloody mindedness; not knowing when to stop doing the same thing in the hope of success and start to take a different approach?

When do you know you are showing resilience in difficult circumstances and when do you know you are just hanging on hoping things will improve?  Knowing the difference is a fine line that can only be discerned by self awareness and trust in someone who knows where the pitfalls might be; someone who can see impartially. We all suffer from the inability to see the wood for the trees from time to time.

In this particular climate it is clear that we are all having to show more resilience than perhaps our generation has ever had to experience previously and the ones that will do well and thrive (more successful businesses are born from recession than any other time) will be those who take the calculated risk and show some confidence and courage in embracing new ways of thinking and behaving.

Sadly the old days where one could whip off a fairly average CV and still manage to get into an interview have gone. Equally being offered a position without due process seems less and less usual. Knowing this can often send us into a bit of a panic.

What do I have to offer?  and how can I best demonstrate just how adaptive and capable I am?

This is certainly a moment for resilience, to know that this is all just perception.  You will have proved yourself on many different occasions and this is only a challenge of how to phrase things correctly, where to address your energy and in being realistic that there will be some disappointment.

Know that with real success facing a good deal of disappointment along the way is part of the package.

Equally anyone who has ever set up a business must embrace resilience if they want more than a first flurry of success, friends helping you along and no need for huge profits but at some point there is a need to build a strong future, with firm foundations are the only way for your business to be more than a passing idea.

For me, on setting off on the trail of self employment all those years ago,  I was keen to practice what I was trained to do little realising that running a business would be the greater challenge not least learning to spin all those figurative plates.

And of course this rings very true for anyone wanting to find a new career – where to start? who to speak to?  lots of people giving advice all seeming to fly in the face of each other.

i do come back continually to the universal truth that we just do not know what we do not know.

However, success, even in these challenging times is more than possible, and with the right support it is probable.

We are  here to help and support, you only have to reach out. Whether you want to strengthen your business or get to your new career in the quickest time – you do not have to do it all yourself.

