Aug 10, 2015
Working and talking with members I am struck by the variation in the use and understanding of LinkedIn and so I thought it might be a good to address the benefits of being on LinkedIn, why you should commit to having a strong profile and using this superb tool. ...
Jul 1, 2015
How to decide what to do next? We are often encouraged to not follow the money but to following what we love and then – hurrah – everything will be peachy and you will feel wonderfully fulfilled and success will find you as you enjoy doing what you love....
Mar 23, 2015
Perhaps things really are becoming too uncomfortable to stay and you can feel your life ticking away. Maybe your current position is coming to an end? Perhaps this career is just not turning out as you hoped and you feel it is time to move on. But all too often...
Jun 4, 2014
Just sayin’… Self-interest is sometimes a wonderful thing. I just had an opportunity to learn from colleagues who had the enviable task of paper-sifting through more than 75 CV’s submitted as part of a recent recruitment campaign. Why...
Apr 3, 2013
Whether for a job or promoting your services never doubt the importance of making a good first impression. This is a slightly longer post than normal but I have had such a strong response to the previous interview article I felt it was worthwhile to offer more. In...