Jan 21, 2013
Martin Mitchell, one of our favourites here at PiPS, has kindly penned his thoughts on where he is now, nearly a year into retirement. Martin had a wonderfully successfully career in policing, is as sharp as a tack and jolly nice too. And yet, even he has faced...
Jan 2, 2013
“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” Francis Bacon What’s the best way to ‘move on’ from The Job? And ‘exactly how’ do you get started? Well, here’s me – not long retired, and, (like many of you), finding my way in the big wide world, finally out...
Jun 1, 2012
There’s a classic scene in the 1963 movie, “The Great Escape”, where, disguised as a civilian waiting for a train, the escaping British Officer, Bartlett, (played by Richard Attenborough), is wished “Good Luck” – in English – by the Gestapo. Of course, he...
May 18, 2012
For our generation this is our most painful experience of needing to find and exercise real meaningful resilience in our working lives. The threat of job loss perhaps or restriction on promotions or pay increments; finding new engaging employment; redefining the...
May 3, 2012
So let me bore or intrigue you with Pareto’s 20/80 principle Some of you may be familiar with the theory but just in case here is a brief summation The theory states that roughly 80% of results come from 20% of causes. It is widely accepted in business that 80% of...