My route into the private sector after policing

I left the metropolitan police in 2014 and had over 3 months paid leave. I chose the date I wanted to leave as I had completed 2 additional years and had reached as far as I would go. Prior to retiring, I had 2 job interviews but had been unsuccessful in both. The...

A call to arms – and a ‘Bacon Sandwich’

“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” Francis Bacon What’s the best way to ‘move on’ from The Job? And ‘exactly how’ do you get started? Well, here’s me – not long retired, and, (like many of you), finding my way in the big wide world, finally out...


I have always liked this Zulu greeting – it means ‘we see you’ and is used in the same way we might offer ‘how do you do’.   You might observe that there is little difference in our greeting but this Zulu acknowledgement seems to understand human nature a...

Just do it!

A brilliant tag line and we all associate it immediately with Nike but if you take a moment it is also brilliant advice. So often we think about what we should do, ought to do or need to do  and yet we just don’t quite get to it.  Then we deceive ourselves at...